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Items Found   7
  Author Title
ANON. The Socialists, a Society of Beasts. [Caption title].

ENGELS, FREDERICK. The Development of Socialism frm Utopia to Science. Translated from the German for The People...[Wrapper title].

FAWCETT, HENRY. State Socialism and the Nationalisation of the Land.

McARTHUR, JOHN W. New Developments: Including the Grange, Anti-Monopoly, Farmers' Alliance, Co-operative Fire Insurance, and the Economic Barn, to which is added an Account of Artificial Butter.

SWINTON, JOHN A Model Favtory in a Model City. A Social Study.

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD. "Progress and Poverty," a Criticism of Mr. Henry George. Being Two Lectures Delivered in St. Andrew's Hall...London.

WELLS, H.G. Socialism and the Family.

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