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Third Annual Exhibition of the Hopedale Home School, at Lyceum Hall, Milford, Thursday Evening, Dec. 20, 1860. [Caption title]. Large 4to broadside, with typographical border.

BALLOU, ADIN Farewell to the School House Chapel. Lines written...and read at the close of the last Sunday Service in the Hopedale School House Chapel. [Caption title.] Broadside, 4" x 9.5"

BALLOU, ADIN Military Funerals and Canonizations. [Caption title.] Broadside, 3.25" x 18"

BALLOU, ADIN. Autobiography...Containing an Elaborate Record and Narrative of His Life from Infancy to Old Age. With Appendixes. Completed and Edited by His Son-in-Law, William S. Heywood.

BALLOU, ADIN. Memoir of Adin Augustus Ballou:

BALLOU, ADIN. Christian Non-Resistance, in All Its Important Bearings, Illustrated and Defended.

BALLOU, ADIN. The True Scriptural Doctrine of the Second Advent; an Effectual Antidote to Millerism, and All Other Kindred Errors.

BALLOU, ADIN. Violations of the Federal Constitution, in the "Irrepressible Conflict" Between the Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery Sentiments of the American People. A Lecture, Delivered in Sundry Places During January and February, 1861.

BALLOU, ADIN. Lecture on the Inspiration of the Bible. Delivered in the Town Hall, Milford, Mass., Sunday Evening, January 16, 1859. [Caption title].

BALLOU, ADIN. The Inestimable Value of Souls. A Sermon, Delivered before the Universalist Society in Medway, (Mass.) May, 1830.

BALLOU, ADIN. History of the Town of Milford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement in 1881. In Two Parts...

BALLOU, ADIN. An Exposition of Views Respecting the Principal Facts, Causes and Peculiarities Involved in Spirit Manifestations...

BALLOU, ADIN. Lecture on the Inspiration of the Bible. Delivered in the Town Hall, Milford, Mass., Sunday Evening, January 16, 1859. [Caption title].


FISH, WM. A. A Memoir of Butler Wilmarth, M.D.; One of the Victims of the late terrible Railroad Catastrophe at Norwalk Bridge, Ct.: with Extracts from His Correspondence and Manuscripts.

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