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Items Found   9
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ANON. An Affecting History of the Captivity & Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Velnet, an Italian Lady, Who Was Seven Years a Slave in Tripoli...Written by Herself. The First American Edition.

ANON. An Affecting History of the Captivity & Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Velnet, an Italian Lady, Who Was Seven Years a Slave in Tripoli...Written by Herself. The First American Edition.

FILLEY, WILLIAM. Life and Adventures of...Who Was Stolen from His Home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, August 3d, 1837, and His Safe Return from Captivity, October 19, 1866...

HANSON, ELIZABETH. The Remarkable Captivity and Surprising Deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson...Who Was Taken Captive with Her Children...by the Indians in New-England, in the Year 1724...

HAYES, CHARLES W. A Long Journey. The Story of Daniel Hayes.

HAYES, CHARLES W. A Long Journey. The Story of Daniel Hayes.

LARANDA, MISS VILETT Neapolitan Captive. Interesting Narrative of the Captivity and Suferings of...a Native of Naples....Communicated by a Officer of respectable rank in the Army, to his friend in Paris. Fourth Edition.

LARANDA, MISS VILETT Neapolitan Captive. Interesting Narrative of the Captivity and Suferings of...a Native of Naples....Communicated by a Officer of respectable rank in the Army, to his friend in Paris. Fourth Edition.

RAY, WILLIAM. Poems, on Various Subjects, Religious, Moral, Sentimental and Humorous. To which is added, a brief sketch of the Author's Life, and of his captivity and sufferings among the Barbarians of Tripoli

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