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New Clothing and Dry Goods Store, No. 11 Dauphin Street, Mobile [Ala.]. [Caption title.]

Proceedings of the Grand Council of Alabama, at the Annual Convocation, Held in the City of Montgomery, Commencing December 6th, 1865.

Vim and Ventures of Bolivar Hornet (The Alabama Doctor), with the Advice and Consent of David Rattlehead, M.D....

The "Three Immediate Women Friends" of the Anthony Family. See Biography of Susan B. Anthony, Page 1435, by Mrs. Ida Husted Harper. [Caption title]. 3 pp. large 4to leaflet.

DE LEON, T.C. The Rock or the Rye. An Understudy. After "The Quick or the Dead."

ESTES, MATTHEW. A Defence of Negro Slavery, As It Exists in the United States.

EVANS, J.B. Some Facts About Suffrage Leaders. A Cause is No Stronger Than Its Leaders. [Caption title]. Broadside, 14" x 8.5." Text in two columns.

JACKSON, ANDREW. The President's Proclamation, Relating to the South Carolina Ordinance. [Caption title]. Broadside on silk, with typographical borders, printed in seven columns.

JOHNSON, ANDREW. EXTRA! [Mobile] Daily News Office, Sunday, June 4--6 P.M....President Johnson's Emancipation Proclamation. Pardon to all Confederates below the rank of Colonel or Lieutenant in the Navy. Important to Civilians. The Trial of Jeff. Davis. Gen. Lee Arrested. Interesting to Cotton Speculators. [Special Dispatch to the Mobile Daily News. {Caption title & first column headlines]. Large 4to broadside in three columns.

POLK, LIEUT. GEN. LE A Proclamation. To All Soldiers in This Department Absent from Their Commands Without Leave. [Caption title]. Large 4to broadside. 26 x 22 cm.

SMITH, BENG'N! F. $150 Reward. [Caption title]. Broadside, 6" x 7.5."

TROOST, LEWIS. Proceedings of the Public Meeting and Board of Directors of the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road. Together with the Opinion of...

WINDER, GEN. JOHN H. Rules and Regulations Governing Confederate States Prison, at Tuscaloosa, Ala. {Caption title, in three lines]. Sm. 4to broadside, printed in two columns.

WOODS, ALVA. Valedictory Address, Delivered December 6, 1837, at the Close of the Seventh Collegiate Year of the University of the State of Alabama.

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