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Items Found   12
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CARVER, JAMES. A New and Easy Introduction to the Art of analytical Penmanship, on an Improved Plan of Geometrical Distance and Proportion, and Not by Common Routine, MadeEasy and Attainableto the Capacities of Youth, of Both Sexes...

DEAN, HENRY. Dean's Analytical Guide to the Art of Penmanship, Containing a Variety of Plates in which are exhibited a Complete System of Practical Penmanship...also An Historical account of the Origin & Progress of Writing and Printing. Second- Edition, Revised, Improved and Enlarged.

GOULD, NATHANIEL D. Penmanship or the Beauties of Writing Exemplified in a Variety of Specimens. Practical and Ornamental. Second Edition.

HOWARD. Howard's Large and Small Round Text Copies with the New Rules for Learners. James Akin Engraver.

HOWARD. Howard's Large and Small Round Text Copies with the New Rules for Learners. James Akin Engraver.

HUNTINGTON, E. The Ledger Hand, Adapted to Practical Use.

JENKINS, JOHN. The Art of Writing, Reduced in Seven Books...Book 1 (all).

MARTIN, E.S. Martin's System of Practical Penmanship Taught in 24 Lessons at His Writing and Book Keeping Academy. No. 182 Main Street, Worcester, Mass.

NOYES, ENOCH. An Analytical Guide to the Art of Penmanship; in Which the Correct Principles of the Round and Running Hands Are Systematized and Simplified. Designed To Teach This Important and Elegant Art With the Utmost Facility.

PETERS, G.S. pub. Das Herz des Menschen, ein Tempel Gottes oder eine Werkstatte des Satans...

SPENCER, PLATT ROGER Spencerian or Semi-Angular Exercise Principle in Penmanship. Book 13.

WRIFFORD, ALLISON. A New Plan of Writing Copies, with Accompanying Explanations and Remarks, Written Designed, and Systematically Arranged...

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