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Calender sur den Stadt--und Landmann. 1838.

The Lady's Almanac, for the Year 1854 [and] 1856 [and] 1866. [Three Almanacs.]

The New Comic Almanack. 1842. This Work is Edited by Quiz, and Adorned with "Ritche Merrie Cuts," Expressly Fitted To Illustrated the "Text." By George Cruikshank and Others.

The Common School Almanac. Embracing Education Statistics, Maxims, Anecdotes, &c. &c. 1839....

Western Almanac for…1836…

The Common School Almanac. Embracing Education Statistics, Maxims, Anecdotes, &c., &c. 1839….

BALCH, JOHN. Centennial Revolving Almanac from 1800 to 1900 Inclusive.

BICKERSTAFF, ISAAC J The Hampden Almanac, and Housewife's Companion, for the Year of Our Lord, 1832....Adapted to the Meridan of Springfield, Mass...

EGGLESTON, EDWARD. "The Watchmaker's Love Story," [in] The National Elgin Watch Companys [!] Illustrated Almanac...1873.

FOWLER, L.N. Phrenological and Physiological Almanac, for 1849. [Wrapper title].

GIDDINS, EDWARD. Number 1. The Anti-Masonic Almanack, for the year 1828...Fifth Edition. [and] No. 2. The Anti-Masonic Almanac...1829...[and] No. 3. The Anti-Masonic Almanac...1830...[and] No. V. Anti Masonic Almanac, for the Year 1832:...[and] Number Six. Anti Masonic Almanac for the Year 1833.

GREENAWAY, KATE. Almanach pour 1886.

HOWE, SOLOMON. No. XI. Howe's Genuine Almanac; for the Year 1815....By Philo Astronomie.

WHITE, JOHN J. A Collection of the Most Useful Arithmetical Tables. Among which are, Monies of Account in most Foreign Commercial Countries...to which is added, a Perpetual Almanac...

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